We are happy to announce that the ALPI AVIATION PHOTO CONTEST will take place again this year!

If you are the owner of an Alpi Aviation aircraft or you had the opportunity to fly it, try to win!

This year’s contest focuses on landscapes seen in flight by our Pioneers or Syton.

To partecipate send up to 3 photos with breathtaking landscapes seen by your Pioneer or Syton to [email protected] until September 15th, 2021.

The best photos will be used for the Alpi Aviation 2022 calendar!

The photos must relate to scenarios seen in flight from an Alpi Aviation aircraft, such as:

  • Nature landscapes
  • Weather & Sunset
  • Cities
  • Structures of historical or artistic importance

Photo Contest rules

  • By entering the contest, partecipants agree that photos submitted can be used by Alpi Aviation for advertising purposes
  • By submitting the photography, partecipants warrant that they are the author
  • Max 3 pictures must be sent in high definition until  September 15th, 2021 to [email protected]